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    Many schools choose Guangzhou with the reasons for sports

    Number of views:2184 Date:2022-03-25

     The rubber of rubber runway is a kind of material with elasticity, insulation, impermeability and air, which is obtained from the latex of rubber trees, rubber grasses and other plants. High elastic polymer compound. It is divided into natural rubber and synthetic rubber. Natural rubber is obtained from rubber tree, rubber grass and other plants and processed; synthetic rubber is obtained from various monomers through polymerization. The prefabricated rubber runway is the upgraded product of the second generation of hybrid plastic runway. Whether from physical or chemical properties, the prefabricated rubber runway has more advantages and is more environmentally friendly.

    Dalian University of Technology

    Daqing No.4 Middle School


    Wuhan No.4 Middle School

    Chongqing Fuling Sports Center

    Category: Company news